App Rotator

From DanIT
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App Rotator allows for automatically rotating between apps, making them visible when needed.

$wshell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell

function App($name, $run, $keys)
    $global:app += @{$name = @{ID = (Start-Process $run -PassThru).Id}}

function Timeline($apps, $seconds)
    $global:timeline += @{Apps = $apps; Seconds = $seconds}

function Rotate
    for($index = 0; $index -lt $global:timeline.Count; $index++)
        foreach($app in $global:timeline[$index].Apps)
            $wshell.AppActivate($global:app[$app].ID) # prints true/false?
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $global:timeline[$index].Seconds

App "app1" "notepad.exe"
App "app2" "mspaint.exe"
App "app3" "cmd.exe"

Timeline "app1","app2" 10
Timeline "app3" 5
