Remote Desktop permissions

From DanIT
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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration's security settings example

Up until Windows Server 2008 R2 the "Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration" was shipped with the O.S, this has been removed in later versions.
With this application you could delegate certain Remote Desktop permissions on a user or group base.
This was possible by opening the application, right click and select Properties on a connection, then going to the Security-tab, Advanced, selecting a permission, and Edit.

The following permissions are available:

Permission Description
Query Information Get information on any session
Set Information ?
Remote Control Shadow any session (behaviour depends on shadow settings)
Logon Logon your session
Logoff Logoff any session
Message Send a message to any session
Connect Take over any session (password still required)
Disconnect Disconnect any session
Virtual Channels Use outside-session features (e.g. clipbord or printer)
  • The Query and Virtual Channels permissions are allowed by default when unchecked.
  • Logon also requires the user/group to be added to the Remote Desktop's User Rights Assignment (via Group Policy).

Doing this is still possible with WMI commands via scripting.
An easy to use PowerShell menu script will be provided here, but individial commands will also be provided as an example.